воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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[NextGen 50] November Prompts
01.The Beginning. 02.The Middle. 03.The End. 04.Inside. 05.Outside.
06.Spring. 07.Summer. 08.Winter. 09.Fall. 10.Storm.
11.Christmas. 12.Thanksgiving. 13.Halloween. 14.Independance Day. 15.New Yearapos;s Eve.
16.Hours. 17.Days. 18.Weeks. 19.Months. 20.Years.
21.Friends. 22.Enemies. 23.Lovers. 24.Family. 25.Strangers.
26.Teammates. 27.Parents. 28.Children. 29.Birth. 30.Death.
31.Sunrise. 32.Sunset. 33.Broken. 34.Fixed. 35.Choice.
36.Smell. 37.Sound. 38.Touch. 39.Taste. 40.Sight.
41.Freedom. 42.Caged. 43.Lost. 44.Found. 45.Silence.
46.Writerapos;s Choice. 47.Writerapos;s Choice. 48.Writerapos;s Choice. 49.Writerapos;s Choice. 50.Writerapos;s Choice.

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Iapos;m quite proud of my wide range of talents. I shouldnapos;t boast and say talents because itapos;s not like I excel at any one thing.�I am mediocre at a lot of things. Anyway, I was cleaning Friday night and the drain has been super slow in the bathroom. Iapos;m all anti-chemical and the baking soda and vinegar wasnapos;t cutting it.�So, as Torchwood season one was on the telly, I was taking apart the bathroom sink. I tried to get the stopper out and that wasnapos;t working, so I just took everything apart. I�cleaned it out (super gross) and put it back together.�I didnapos;t have any of the handy plumber caulk so just plain old will have to do. I�havenapos;t caulked the bottom of the sink so I just have a classy rag tied around to prevent the little bit of water seeps through. V. Proud of myself. Why bother my landlord who lives 45 minutes away when itapos;s something Iapos;m perfectly capable of doing.

Then, once I got to the farm on Sunday, I�made two baby quilts. A former coworkerapos;s wife had twins so I had to make quilts for Ilsa Isadora and Hattie Jacinda. Big sis Adele received a quilt when she was born 3 years ago, so these two little girls needed their own quilts, too�They are rather teeny and will have to be in the NICU for a while, but they are here and safe and all is good.

Tonight when I get back from the library and gym and after the Packer game is�done�Iapos;m going to bake cookies to take to Des Moines on Friday (they are pink for breast cance awareness MM cookies) and make some chicken and squash goodness. Iapos;m handy, crafty, and culinary all mixed in one. Aww yeah.

I finished watching season 1 of Torchwood. At first I wasnapos;t all that into it because Iapos;m not about the aliens, but I loved the time travel/rift stuff. When Capt Jack was dancing with the real Capt Jack?�Be still my heart. Two gorgeous men being goony for each other was about all I could take. So adorable and yummy. Owen got all pissy and he really reminded me of when he was on�Bleak�House. Heapos;s an odd little fella, but he has a certain appeal.

I have the last disc of season 1 of Hex waiting at home for me to watch tonight. Iapos;m not watching The Last Enemy on Masterpiece.�Iapos;m not digging the contemporary stuff this time around. I like Mrs Pritchard last year mainly because of Jane Horrocks (that lucky bitch got to sing with Robbie), but Iapos;m not liking this one so Iapos;m skipping it. Ooh, and tonight Iapos;m taping Austin City Limits. The songwriters show with�Lyle Lovett, John Hiatt, Guy Clark, and Joe Ely is on�YAY THE�best concert Iapos;ve ever seen, hands down.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

activity adventure alaska plus tour

Yesterday was a weird day. I made an 84 on a test because my teacher gave us notes incorrectly. He told me heapos;d give me back full credit if i corrected the problems, though. $#$$^ i hung out with lauren, greg, dustin, ted, bobby, and taylor last night. Dustin drove my momapos;s van, which was an experience. We played hide and go seek in the mall, which was really hard to do. It was iiiight.

today, i was supposed to go to broughton to see patrick, but since iapos;m 17, they wouldnapos;t let me in. Whatev. Greg and i just hung out in morgonton for a while, and tonight iapos;m hanging out wtih dustin an dhis brother. Woo.

i want to go to scarowinds ):

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I get lazy when movies come out, even movies I�want to see. So I�end up missing a lot of stuff I�want to see. This week I�got the chance to catch up on two different movies, and both of them completely surprised me. These movies have been out for a while so Iapos;m not gonna worry about spoilers.

No Country For Old Men - I�had heard so much about this being the best film the Coens had ever made, about the amazing performances, and most importantly I�had read the novel, which is an absolute masterpiece. I�donapos;t know why I didnapos;t catch it in theaters, but once it got on the Netflix box I�had a chance. So color me surprised when I�thought it was just....ehn.

Really. It was slow, kinda boring, not nearly as compelling as the source material, and while Iapos;m the first person not to care about whether itapos;s faithful, they made some strange adaptation decisions. They took out my two favorite scenes in the book, not just favorite, but two scenes which I�think are central to the theme. In the book, right before Moss gets killed, he picks up a teenage girl hitchhiking and they spend an evening just sitting and talking. Moss is totally faithful to his wife, itapos;s not like that at all, it doesnapos;t even have that subtext. But in their late night conversation on the steps of their motel room you get a final sense of who this character is and what matters to him. And then the next scene they find him and the girl shot dead. In the movie thereapos;s no girl, thereapos;s no final reckoning for Mossapos;s character, so his death is strangely ineffective and dry. He could just be another extra. They also removed the scene where the sheriff finally resigns from the force and gets in his car, and his only feeling is defeat. I guess thatapos;s hard to convey in a film, but to me the overall theme of the movie is about how the world is falling apart and how this sheriff is no longer able to maintain order. Thatapos;s why the title is "No Country For Old Men." And I didnapos;t really get a sense of that theme, about a world no longer under the control of order.

What I�did get though, and what I will praise the film for, is how effective the actors are. Every single actor in the film completely disappears in their roles, but the real standouts are Javier Bardem (of course) and Tommy Lee Jones. Theyapos;re both incredibly well-written and characterized, even if the plot falters. This movie to me is primarily a showcase for the actors and for the atmosphere and location. They get that part perfect. And the Coens, while totally capable in translating this work, make their style a little too muted for my taste. Thereapos;s not the stylistic flourish like there was in Fargo or Blood Simple. I�know that was the point, that it was their creative decision, but I think it kind of makes the movie a little too dry, a little too detached.�

So in the end while it was pretty great, I�have to disagree with most of the critics. It wasnapos;t the best film of that year (that goes to Once). And on a completely different tangent...

Spider-Man 3 - I�really liked the first Spider-Man. It was silly without being stupid, fun without being corny, and aware of itself as a comic book movie. It didnapos;t try to be too serious, and I�respected that choice. And after all the critics went nuts over the second one, I�was eager to see it. But frankly I�thought it sucked. I�thought it was way too silly, it crossed that line between fun silly and lame silly. Doc Ock was neat and Raimi was more confident being himself in his direction, but other than that I was really tuned out, openly mocking the dialogue by the end. So I wasnapos;t eager to see 3, and I�purposefully skipped it, even though I was interested in seeing Venom. The lackluster critical response made me confident that I wasnapos;t missing much.

Imagine my surprise when I�saw the film tonight - it was really good I�liked it a lot. I�liked the charaters, I liked the performances, I�liked Raimiapos;s direction. He really seemed like he was having fun. It once again perfectly straddled the line between fun and corny, it was aware of its silliness and didnapos;t try to make the material too serious. And in this case the creative choice worked. The action scenes were really well directed, and the sound design was AWESOME. I�always love it when I�watch a movie that I�think is going to be not that good and it turns out to be great. I�thought the same thing about Star Trek: Nemesis. I�also like how the musical score played between serious orchestral and fun jazz, and the biggest surprise is Topher Grace. His character isnapos;t the character in the comic book, but they write him really well and Topher Grace does a surprisingly great job. I�eas even tolerable of Kirsten Dunst, whom I�normally find really annoying.

It isnapos;t perfect. The effects are still too cartoony for my taste, and I�really didnapos;t like Peter Parker when he went all dark and emo. It was a little too emo (esp with his hair) and did occasionally cross over into the corny side. He overdoes the darkness a little too much. The Sandman character is woefully underdeveloped and didnapos;t really need to be the Sandman (even though Thomas Haden Church does well with it).� The movieapos;s a little schizo in the middle when he goes all dark in the jazz club, and there are too many musical numbers. The jazz club scene is especially ludicrous and could have been done completely differently with much better effect, although I can see Raimiapos;s voice in it loud and clear, which is nice. Overall I�had a really really good time watching it.

Weird. I�am mildly disappointed by the movie that was supposed to be great, and Iapos;m surprisingly happy with the movie thatapos;s supposed to be mediocre.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Itapos;s finally friday :D haha although i have to admit that the time passes very fast, i still feel very long lol itapos;s the first week and i got two biggest project already. Going to be real busy soon. Been going to library this week

watch money not enough for the third time. Everytime i watch that show i can cry i can feel itapos;s touching i learn from the movie i want to be filial i want to have good r/s with my family esp my parents. But i dont understand why i cant. I try to study hard i dont go out till midnight i dont ton i dont smoke hang out with bad company i would buy food back home i would think of my family i want to know why things becoma so bad i feel quite hurt i know itapos;s stupid but i feel unloved, unfair. The same feeling has been going on and off again and again. I did things to gain my attention from my parents but everything i do itapos;s always not good enough and better than my brother. Thatapos;s why i always dont like to stay at home. Not because i like hanging at outside or prefer outside more than my home. Itapos;s because i am avoiding my dad i am avoiding another quarrel hai i hate to feel this way because most of the time i am at home and being at home make me feel kind of extra. We dont go out at all since i dont know how many years ;/ hate this

as for friends, i dont ask for more already i dont know what to say but till now, i still love them. I hope we can meet up maybe once a week or something i hope

i will be ok / we will be ok
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I have been running across some real gems in my grading, and I wanted to share them with my WC buddies. I forgot all about me livejournal page Duh So here are some of the good ones from last nights vocabulary homework...

People must renew their brain for good tomorrow.
Every company have to renew their lambs with ones.
Wind of change is one of the legandary single of our childhoods.
In Europe, 2007-2008 world entered food crisis in several countries like Brazil, Egypt, Russian and Turkey.
My ground family who live in village is interested in agriculture.
I didnapos;t shop for a month with the greatest energy of love.
Football is sources of power.

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